Discerning Truth
Author Unknown
Note: contains some talk of spiritual entities
and belief systems.
Everybody has their own methods for figuring
truth out. Some are finding it better than others. As with other
things, there isn’t one set way for determining truth. The
procedures are going to vary from situation to situation, but
there are certainly some useful tips that can be passed on from
one truth seeker to another. Finding truth is not a matter of
taste. One doesn’t investigate the one-true god by deciding
what god suits our tastes best -- but lots of people do this
anyway. As we set our personal criteria for what is truth, we
will find others in disagreement with us. Ultimately, real truth
is not something personal but something all truth seekers can
agree upon. This is why Jesus Christ’s words are so powerful,
they are eternally truthful. They are as much truth as they were
when they were spoken.
Even though truth is not relative, but is an
eternal objective truth, God has given us free choice and a mind
with which to choose what we want to believe. Many have
mistakenly considered one’s religious views as a matter of
taste, not a matter of truth. That is perhaps the first hurdle
to correctly jump in the search for truth--Is this a matter of
personal taste or is it a matter of truth. What I eat for
breakfast is my choice, which of the foods is most beneficial
for my body is a complex issue of truth. Because the Watchtower
Society teaches that knowledge about God is an issue of truth
not taste, the JW’s believe that they can apply rational
thought in their search for God. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have
a book Reasoning From the Scriptures. The idea behind the title
is a good one.
There is a place for reason and logic, but we
must be careful to place the Word of God as the foundation from
which we reason. Unfortunately, that is not what the Jehovah’s
Witnesses do. They reason that the God in 3 persons is
unreasonable, because there can’t be both one God, and 3 Gods,
so they reject the Triune nature of God, even though the
Scriptures are very clear that the Father is God Almighty,
Christ is God Almighty, and the Holy Spirit is God Almighty.
Three persons, one God. Sometimes we don’t have enough
understanding to reason from. The concept of three persons in
one supreme being seems outrageous at first, and yet that is
exactly what MPD (DID) is. That is one reason some people cannot
except multiple personalities either. If we reason from our past
understandings, we may not be able to adequately explain new
The parallels between MPD and what the Bible
says about God are enormous, once a person really gets a handle
on how MPD really functions within the mind. There are so many
misconceptions about MPD, and misconceptions about the
"Trinity" (the word doesn’t appear in Scriptures),
that this subject really needs a book in itself to explain the
parallels. But the bottom line is that we believe what God has
written to us, and then we reason from there. If God says He
exists in three persons, we accept that and then reason from
there. We don’t reason away what God Almighty says. This is
where so many of us get ourselves into trouble. The Pharisees
were able to make the Word of God to have no effect, by thinking
out things. Thinking doesn’t always take us in the right
direction even if it makes sense. This is probably why some
people have rejected logic and reasoning in their Christian
walk. Logic is a function of a clear mind. The Scriptures show
godly men reasoning things out.
Being a reasonable person can be a good
testimony for Christ. But we must always humbly bear in mind
that our minds only have a small part of the facts and
understanding about the universe and life that exists. If I
understand one-billionth of what can be known about my
situation, I suppose I am fortunate. God understands so much
more. If His Word states something that seems unreasonable--I
would rather trust His Word, than my own feeble understanding.
However, if I begin to have thoughts that are contrary to the
Word of God, and contrary to how I normally think, then logic
helps me realize that these are not my own thoughts--they are
the thoughts of demons. This is an example of how reasoning from
Scriptures can spare us from trouble. When we mentally review
how we have obtained certain thought patterns, if we acquaint
ourselves with how evil spirits influence a man’s thinking via
our actions opening up portals and strongholds, then we can
logically separate out those thoughts that are from God and
those thoughts that are from Satan. Most fears are ungodly, and
they come from Satan’s kingdom. Hope and faith come from God.
Discouragement and depression are not given to us from God, they
are given to us from our adversary Satan.
There may be exceptions to this, but in most
cases it is clear that Satan’s kingdom is here to steal from
us peace, hope, love and faith, and is here to give us hate,
fear, and discouragement. We have to learn to be happy. We have
to allow God to bring us peace. Logically, if you want a happy
life, you must go to the Kingdom that wants to bring you peace,
joy, love, and happiness. People look for happiness in the
strangest places!
Logic-and reasoning will tell you that Satan can’t
bring you happiness. Logic can be helpful to us in our Christian
walk. Examples were given of how that is true. We must be
cautious in how we use logic. Logic is not to be used to
overturn the Word of God. None of us are brilliant enough to
challenge God’s Word. Logic & reasoning is how we protect
what God has already taught us & placed into our hearts and
consciences. As we gather information, we can take best
advantage of that information if we separate the chaff from the
wheat. Is the person giving this information speaking in
generalities, or is he speaking about an exception to the rule,
or is he speaking about a specific case? When someone speaks
about their private thoughts, how they love someone, or have
heartburn, their thoughts are private, we must accept that we
only can approximately understand exactly what they are feeling
and thinking. When we witness a car accident with another
person, our perspective of the accident is our own private
perception of the event--BUT other people can also witness the
event. The car accident is NOT a subjective event, even though
there is some subjectivity in people’s perception of it. The
accident is not an idea it is an objective event. Modern
philosophy has a hard time accepting this, even though it makes
common sense. The events of that objective reality can be
distorted or misreported and not reported in many different
However, the accident is an objective real
event. More than one person can experience that reality. If we
dream about an accident, then that is a concept. Concepts and
what our judgement calls about what our senses have reported are
two different things. We normally don’t doubt what we
apprehend. We normally do question the existence of what we
mentally create (our ideas); that is until we come to someone
who has been programmed and taught via behavior modification not
to trust their own senses. The programmed slave loses the
ability to discern what is a concept, merely an idea the brain
has imagined, and what is actually something that has an
external reality and has been apprehended. Hallucinations will
mask themselves as perceptions, when they are not perceptions at
all. Further, they are very suggestible. They have shut down
their critical thinking and have an unconscious agreement with
the programmer that whatever he says is truth.
The movie/book 1984 which was written many years
ago describes a time when society as a whole was under the
mind-control of Big Brother. When the main character steps out
of line, he is reprogrammed, by torture. The goal of the
programming was to get this thought-offender to accept whatever
truth the programmer wanted from him. The programmer wanted him
to get to the point that when the programmer held up 4 fingers,
the man didn’t know what he saw, but if the programmer said
that the 4 fingers were 5, then the victim would actually see 5.
This is exactly where the programmers get their victims, and is
part of the reason they no longer can trust their own senses.
Can several people have a simultaneous hallucination? Yes, and
during the programming and during the life of the
mind-controlled victim, hallucinations that are experienced by
several people are a fake perception that is even more difficult
to reject because our normal basis for deciding if something is
an external reality that is being apprehended, versus our own
imagination, is that other people can also see (or experience)
it. When several other people experience something, that is a
common test that the event happened in reality. (This is the
concept of having several witnesses.)
However, witnesses can be mistaken. The victim
of mind-control must be given more than a Bible --"Here,
take this, this is the truth." The victim of mind-control
must take back what was stripped of them. They must learn to
have that critical facility that has been stripped from
them--the ability to ask is this an external reality that
everyone can experience, or is this a perception, or a grand
illusion that several people are only thinking.
Today, it is a fad to say everything is
subjective. It is not. There is a reality. Our memories may or
may not correspond to something that did exist. Memories can be
perceptions and imaginations also, that mask themselves as
experiences just like our hallucinations can. We can be
skeptical about whether we have a concept in our mind that
corresponds to what others could experience, or whether it is an
imagination. But we cannot accurately be skeptical of the
existence of reality and truth. Since total skepticism of the
existence of reality is self-defeating, the occultists have
charged off in the other extreme, an equally wrong direction,
and declared that if the mind has an idea, the idea must be
attached to some reality, even if that reality is actually
another magical sphere somewhere. This turns all fictions,
visualizations, dreams, imaginations into some mystical
perception of some supposed alternate reality. The truth is that
these "magical realms" are shared hallucinations. No
matter how many people have the same hallucination, that does
not make that hallucination become a representation of some
external reality.
Reality is the world we live in together. The
programmed multiple lives in their own private worlds. The
therapist may have to enter that private world and bring the
person back to the external world that humanity lives in
together. If there is anything that highlights the differences
between the external world of reality and the internal world of
hallucination it is programmed multiplicity. Because the
differences are obvious for the slave, there is no reason why
they can’t return to the world of reality. The problem that
lies for some non-multiples (especially some psychotics, but for
many people in general) is that they can’t see the two tracks,
they can’t see the two worlds. I have seen Americans watching
soap operas, sitcoms, and other shows, and then tell me that the
shows are real events, and no argument would dissuade them. In
fact, the philosophers Locke and Descartes both shared the same
problem, even as philosophers they could not see the difference
between external reality that is apprehended by our senses, and
our own head-trips.
As our senses gather in their sensory input, our
minds go into gear to compare what they are sensing to what the
mind has cataloged already. In other words, the mind is trying
to make sense of what it is receiving. This is why we can
"talk over someone’s head" or why I say that the
common American has no frame of reference (& no world-view)
to hang my information on. If we are unable to compare what we
are sensing to anything else, it is unintellible to us. So
learning is a building process, of comparing and building
bridges from one item to the next. Our minds are masters at
seeing relationships, but it still has to be a building
process--whether the process is quick or slow. Some people want
to jump over necessary steps of the building process, and read
advanced level material before they are ready for it.
Detecting what is going on in the environment
around a person is only part of what the human mind can do. It
can also anticipate, plan, think, imagine, calculate, etc. The
senses play only a limited role in our thinking. Sometimes we
need to use common sense and realize a thought is merely a
thought, and nothing else. Just because the thought develops in
our mind, doesn’t mean there is any external reality to it.
Feelings are not facts. Recovering victims of mind-control
should remind themselves of this one frequently, feelings are
not facts. On the flip side, there are certain phenomena is life
which demand explanations, such as how did an extremely
well-designed incredibly complex system of life as well as an
incredible planet come into being? This is a fundamental
question of reality. Although the answer "There was an
Almighty Creator" calls for us to employ our imagination to
visualize what we can’t see, that doesn’t subtract from God
being an external reality. Something is not negated in its
existence just because we can imagine it, or haven’t
experienced it yet.
Jesus in a sense argued for the existence of the
Holy Spirit, by saying it was something not seen and yet it was
something experienced and something that created tangible
results like the wind blowing through the trees. He was
essentially saying, yes, the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) is real.
Aleister Crowley, a self-made satanist who revealed much more
about the occult world than the Illuminati families would have
done, based his Thalamic law, "Do what thou wilt, is the
whole of the law" upon the underlying idea that pleasure is
good. Common sense will teach people that pleasure and good are
not equal. This philosophy is hedonism, and leads to
self-destruction, which is what Crowley’s philosophy did to
himself and others around him. Where this philosophy goes
astray, is that Wisdom is good, but may not be obtained through
simply pleasure. We may be pleased when we obtain Wisdom, but
that pleasure in obtaining wisdom IS NOT wisdom itself but a
by-product of having obtained a desired need. While thinking
himself wise with all his satanic hedonistic cabalistic drug-sex
magic, Crowley was going down a dead end. This is so obvious,
that some modern thinkers try to revise the concept that
pleasure is good, to the underlying idea that what is desirable
for a man is good. But again this makes a mess out of things.
People differ in their desires and this means what is evil for a
victim of mind-control is good for the abuser. Betrand Russell
connected to the Illuminati stated, "Ethics is the art of
recommending to others what they must do to get along with
ourselves." This fits with the basic viewpoint of many
people today who think that there are no moral truths,
everything is relative and subjective, just an opinion.
If we approach the subject from an understanding
that the way we as human beings are constructed by God, our very
human nature has created needs within us. If we make a moral
judgment it is not relative but it is grounded in the truth that
we have a real need, and these morals express a desire for the
good that satisfying that need brings. For instance, a glass of
water in the desert is a need, it is good. A glass of whiskey at
the bar is a want, it appears good--but it is not a genuine need
of the body. We ought to desire more of the things we need, but
we often sacrifice these for our wants. Common sense teaches us
a foundational moral law that we should desire what is really
good for us. Good being defined as what mankind needs. If we
know we that truly need something, then we know what is good,
and we should desire having it. What sustains the universe? If
we realize that God sustains the universe, then God is realized
as a need, not a want. This explains why mankind is so busy with
worship. Monkeys do not worship. Fish do not worship. But man
tries to worship. Neither fish nor monkeys feel guilt because
they do not sin. But man does, because man was given the free
will to do what was right.
What I am doing is laying the groundwork to show
the reader that all these modern philosophies that say there are
no absolute rights or wrongs, are not grounded in truth &
reality. We as humans have needs, and to desire those real needs
be met is good. Since the fall of man, which was the rise of
religion, a great deal of muddying the waters has occurred. The
fall of man paralleled the previous fall of Lucifer. The
trauma-based mind-control is a mirror image of the fallen mind
of Lucifer. At this point, - some of you readers will consider
this to be wild preaching--because it is very unpopular to view
the mind-control as something religious in nature.
Because Luciferian gnosticism & Satanism are
religions, it’s popular to ignore the religious side of the
programming. To associate the occult with trauma-based
mind-control seems to some secular therapists unnecessary. They
want to sidestep the religious nature of the programming with
the mistaken idea that they can sterilize what happens to the
victim in strictly scientific terms. But if we don’t dismiss
the existence of good & evil, God & Lucifer, and we
understand the mind of Lucifer/Satan, then we amazingly
"just happen" to have the greatest explanation for
understanding the trauma-based mind-control.
Lucifer wanted to steal God’s identity.
Lucifer in his fall was stripped of his birthright, his identity
and his rank, and was separated from truth. Lucifer goes forth
to steal the identity & birthright of children, and to
separate them from truth. This is just a small part of how the
mind-control is a reflection of the mind of Satan. An entire
book could be written on this subject alone.
No matter how painful it is for a
mind-control victim to realize what Satan stole from them, once
they have acknowledged that, and begin to take back what God
originally gave them, then the wisdom God will give, will bring
knowledge. And that knowledge will bring understanding. And with
that understanding the eternal life force (spirit) that the
Creator gives each person can look into the deepest pit of hell
and it will still see the light of that truth.
And Lucifer knows that when you put light on
darkness, there is a light at the end of the tunnel which will
continue to break down the darkness. The day one seeks truth
with his whole heart, is the day he will find it. That light
will be a light on the hill that will prevail over darkness. You
can be sure that if you are dealing with mind-control
structuring, you are dealing with Satan the father of all lies. When
the victim can acknowledge the crimes that were done against him
or her self, then he is able to acknowledge what Satan is, the
Father of all lies. If evil is recognized as evil, then seek the
goodness of truth. The truth will open a doorway into the mind
that brings growth, maturity, stability, assurance, a new
awakening, and other exciting things. The battle for your mind
is between truth and evil.
you are going to work with ritual abuse survivors, you
must also get educated if you want to be effective. And
you must learn to be humble. Trauma survivors do not need
to be around ignorant, modern-day Pharisees. Survivors in
pain need people who will connect with them on an
emotional level, get right down in there where they are,
and listen. --Kathleen Sullivan |