This article, consistent with others I have written,
is a very difficult one personally. Why? Because it
touches on some of the things that I am most ashamed of
in my own life. I used to be a cult programmer, or
"trainer" as they are called, and here I will
share some of what I did or witnessed while in that
role. I also went through these things as a child, so
this article is also quite autobiographical as well.
Autobiography can be a moment of boasting, of quiet joy,
or intense pain. Mine falls in the latter category, to
say the least. But I am hoping with all of my heart that
sharing my pain will help others avoid this pain, or
will help society better understand what survivors go
This article will in no means be a complete treatment
of the subject. Cult programming is a complex subject,
one that would fill volumes and volumes if dealt with
beyond a surface description. Also, I can only write
from my own experiences with the Illuminati, which is
one of several groups operating today, and about the
techniques used in the Washington, DC area and in San
Diego, Ca. Other localities might use very different
This article does NOT take the place of advice from a
qualified therapist, and is meant to be informative
only. If you are a survivor of cult abuse, please be
aware that this article and the subject it covers could
be extremely triggering, and keep yourself safe.
Why does the cult train or program people? In earlier
articles, I have mentioned the goals they have of:
making money
unquestioning loyalty in their members
Programming, or training, is one method that the cult
has found that will ensure that these goals are met. In
the Illuminati, the programmers are called
"trainers" because the belief is that they are
not abusing, but "training" the future
generation. The trainers actually believe that they are
doing a good thing, "strengthening" the
children, helping them to get in touch with their
Some of these methods have been around for hundreds,
perhaps thousands of years. I will divide cult
programming into five major categories, and address each
one separately:
1. training to be silent
2. training to be strong
3. training to be loyal
4. training for jobs in the group
5. spiritual training
The first category, training to be silent, begins at
a very young age, frequently preverbal. This is
accomplished in several ways, depending upon the child
and the trainer, and can include:
Being asked after a ceremony what the child saw and
heard. The very young child may just say "bad
things", and is punished severely and brutally, and
told that no, they didn't really see those things. This
is repeated at frequent intervals, until the child
learns to block the ceremonies. Often, a
"protector" or "guardian" alter will
be created from the abuse, whose job is to ensure that
the child will not remember what is seen. This protector
is told that if the child does remember, brutal
punishment will follow.
Another method involves electroshocking the child,
and placing them into a deep hypnotic trance, where they
are told that they will not remember what they have seen
or heard, that it is all "just a bad dream."
The child WANTS to forget, and will be eager to agree.
Psychological torture may be used: mock burials,
being placed in cages, abandonment, being hung over a
bridge, with the child later being "rescued"
and told that if they ever tell, they will be returned
to the punishment.
Being forced to watch mock or real punishment or
killing of a traitor who "told". When I was
four years old, I was forced to watch a woman be skinned
alive. Her crime: she disclosed to an outside person
"family business". Talking to those outside
the group is considered one of the worst crimes or
betrayals a person can commit. A "traitor's
death" is one of the most horrifying imaginable,
and will vary from crucifixion upside down, to other
gruesome scenarios. Young children do not forget seeing
these things, and they become convinced that not
disclosing is the safest way to continue living.
These set ups are done to ensure that a young child
will not disclose the criminal activities that they are
seeing in the course of group activites, or even as an
adult, when they are more actively engaged in them.
Another set up also is frequently done: The "no
one will believe you scenario" (this is usually
done with school age children). The child is told
repeatedly that even if they DO disclose that no one
will believe them. The child is taken by a mental
hospital, or even taken to visit an inmate briefly.
Later, the child is told that people who disclose are
considered "crazy" and sent to institutions,
where they are punished severely and can never leave.
These lies are told to reinforce once again the
importance of not telling.
Another set up may include the "everyone is part
of it" set up. The child is told that actually,
everyone is secretly part of the group, but people are
just good pretenders during the daytime. The child will
be taken to dinner at a member's house, where everyone
acts normal, then later a ritual or ceremony follows.
The child will then believe that there is no escape,
since everyone is part of the group. Since most of the
adults close to his/her parents are part of the group,
there is no reason to question the logic of what they
are told.
The set ups and psychological conditioning to not
tell are endless, limited only by the cruel creativity
of the adults around the child.
Training to be strong:
This type of training will also begin at a very young
age, often in the toddler years. The child is put
through a series of conditioning exercises whose goals
are to: increase the pain threshold increase physical
fitness increase dissociative ability force quick
memorization of material (school age child) create fear
and the desire to please
These exercise might include: mock military training,
with marches, and playing "prisoner and
guard"; shocking the child; physical abuse and
torture, drugging the child or adult; placing the child
into cages, where they are shocked; deprivation of food,
water, or sleep; abandonment for varying amounts of
time; forcing the child to watch brutalities and the
abuse of others. The child is taught to be completely
silent during the above; to endure it without question.
If the child screams, they are punished extremely, and
told that this is "weakness". The child is
taught to fear their own emotions, since they are
quickly and mercilessly punished for expressing them.
The scenes go on and on, the above are just a few
methods used.
Training to be loyal
The third area of training encompasses a broad area
of behaviour. Loyalty involves agreement with the group,
espousing its doctrines and beliefs. This training is at
times more subtle, but it also is one of the most
powerful pulls to the group.
Adults in the group model complete loyalty to their
children. Getting out, leaving, or questioning the
group's beliefs are rarely or never seen, and the
retaliation for questioning those in authority is quick
and brutal. A person seen questioning the rightness of
things, or balking at doing their job might be sent in
for "retraining", ie being shocked and
tortured back into submission.
But often adults often believe the goals of the group
are GOOD. They are convinced that they are helping the
children, and in classes children are taught why these
beliefs are good; about the coming agenda for the group,
where they will be the new leaders. Much discussion of
the time when the group will "rule the world"
is done, to show that they are actually ushering in a
new order, when things will be "better for
Status and leadership are held out as carrots to
group members to work harder and acheive. The rewards of
leadership, of moving up, are real, and every member
tries to advance themselves. Being higher means less
abuse, being able to order others around, and more
control in a life that has had precious little control.
Set ups, where a child is allowed to sit in a
leader's seat, and is told that one day they, too, will
lead, are often done, to increase the loyalty to the
group. Awards ceremonies, where those who do well
receive badges, jewels, or other rewards in front of
others, are frequently done. A child who works hard, who
performs well, is praised and allowed to join the adults
for coffee or a meal, while the other children look
enviously on.
As the child progresses through the system, they do
move higher, since adults are always higher than a young
child. Now the child who is growing older can boss the
younger children, can tell them what to do, can even
abuse them with the approval of the adults around. Being
very young means being very abused and wounded in these
groups; growing older means the chance to finally act
out on the rage the abuse has caused. The child begins
to identify with the abusing adults, since they are hurt
less, and becomes invested in a cult identity as a
perpetrator. This is strongly encouraged, as long as the
perpetration is not directed at members older or higher
than the child or teen.
This locks the child in, as having become "one
of them", like them, and the child is bonded to the
group by his/her own guilt and shame, as well as the
need for outlets for rage and pain that the group
allows. The child may feel ambivalence, but also extreme
The group or trainer will also tell the child that
they are the only ones that really know the child,
having seen them act out. That they are the only ones
who could see this, and still love them, that no one
loves them the way "family" does. The child is
bombarded with messages that the group truly accepts
them, all of them, knowing the worst about them, to
cement the loyalty. The group uses sophisticated
techniques based on behavioural psychology to ensure
that the child/teen/adult will not even consider leaving
the group.
Another form of loyalty programming is
"specialness programming". This is where the
child is told by the adults or trainer that: they are
"high", hidden royalty, or a
"hidden" or "adopted" member of a
high family line. The child may be told that they will
be a world leader who is hidden for now; a special CIA
agent, or "one in a thousand, a wunderkind"
who will lead as an adult. They may be told that there
are very few like them; that no one else can fill their
special role; that they are of a special bloodline that
is unbroken for thousands of years. This is to increase
the child's loyalty to the group. If the child believes
that they are merely waiting now for the revealing of
their "true, elevated status" one day, they
will be much more likely to develop loyalty bonds to the
group. This is one of the cruelest tricks the group
plays on children, since they have deprived them of
normal love and caring, and instead replace it with a
false sense of "specialness" or status. Very
few survivors getting out of these groups believe that
they were low; almost all believe that they were high,
or were adopted, but their real family is high, for this
reason. This was done to me as well, and as an adult,
when I had to tell lies like this to children, I became
more and more disillusioned with the group, one of many
reasons I finally chose to leave it. I could no longer
bear to listen to other trainers and scientists laughing
about the gullibility of the people they worked with. I
had once been a child, eager to please, and gullible
myself. I had believed the lies, and it was a rude
awakening to find out I was NOT adopted from a royal
line, as I had been told. That I had been manipulated
and deceived intentionally to increase my loyalty to the