Training for jobs in the
The fourth category of training or programming is
towards doing a job in the cult. Each person has a
specific job(s) that they are given, from earliest
childhood on in the Illuminati. Often, the child is
tested at intervals during their early years for
aptitude and ability. The parent's status, as well as
the child's intelligence and dissociative ability, will
also factor in to the final role. Jobs in the cult might
include, but are not limited to:
cleaners (clean up after ceremonies, set up)
spiritual (lead meetings, high priest or priestess,
or acolytes)
punishers (punish members who are out of line or make
scholars (learn cult history, ancient languages, do
readings and history set ups)
scientists (trained in behavioural sciences)
doctors, nurses, medical personell
military leader (for military exercises)
The list goes on and on. The Illuminati are a complex
group, with interwoven roles. The amount of training the
child will need for their adult role will often depend
upon the complexity of the final job. Sometimes, jobs
overlap, or a person will be cross-trained for several.
A child raised with child pornography may as an adult be
taught to run a video camera, for example. A nurse or
doctor may also help as a trainer, or learn sciences. A
person trained as a military leader in the group will
frequently also have assassin training (MK-ULTRA) as
These jobs are taught using operant conditioning
principles from early childhood on. The child is shown
how the role is done by an adult or older teen, ie
"modeling" the behaviour is done. The child
will also see the jobs done in the course of being part
of the group. After the behaviour is modeled, the child
is told that they will be learning it. Clear directions
on what is expected are given. The job is broken down
into steps, and each step is put in sequentially. The
child may be shocked, or tortured, to create a
"blank state" or tabula erasa personality who
will do anything asked of them. Then, the behaviour is
elicited. If the child does well, they are praised and
petted. If they do not, they are punished severely. The
child learns it is much less painful to demonstrate the
asked for behaviour. Afterwards, once the behaviour is
shown, the trainer "bonds" with the child,
praising them, telling them how valueable they are, and
what a wonderful job they are doing for
"family". The child is given the validation
and caring that they so desperately crave, and a trauma
bond is created. The personality state in the child will
WANT to do well, it has bonded with the trainer or
adult, and seeks approval again and again. This bond
will last into adulthood, and often the personality
states that seek approval will stay in a young state
inside of an adult body. After the "job" is
done, they will come out and still ask for approval at
times. Another reward for the adult will be perceived
moving up in status if they do well.
Spiritual Training
At its foundation, the Illuminati are an intensely
spiritual group. They worship ancient deities including
those of Babylon and Assyria (Baal and Ashtoth) and of
Egypt (Ra, Horus, Isis, etc.). They believe that the
spiritual is the root that feeds its many manifestations
today. Because of this, all children will undergo some
form of spiritual training, or programming. This is to
ensure their bonding to the group as well as coerce or
frighten them into fearing leaving.
Spiritual programming begins with the first ceremony
that an infant is taken to, when they are dedicated to a
deity, or even prenatally, when the fetus may be
dedicated in utero to the "mother of heaven"
or other deities. The young toddler's world will include
seeing the adults around him/her going to ceremonies,
and they will be forced to imitate the activities they
There may be blood baptisms, using animals. There
will be many, many dedications and rites, including the
passing on of familial spirits from mother or father or
grandparent, to the young child. These can be intensely
frightening experiences. I do not want to argue the
existence of the demonic here, but I will say that the
group certainly does believe it is real, and that the
manisfestations seen at these rites go beyond that which
can be explained scientifically or rationally. As a
child, I believed intensely that the demonic was real,
as did all of the adults around me.
There will be ceremonies in which the demonic is
invoked, and manifestations of power, including
channeling, foretelling, or psychic slaying of animals.
Objects may be moved, or a tree felled, using psychic
abilities/demonic help. Adults will be involved in power
battles. "Reading" people will be done. And in
all training/programming sessions, the demonic will be
invoked to help the trainer, to guide them, or to give
energy to the programming being done. Often, before
important programming sessions, trainers will perform a
ceremony asking for demonic aide.
The child will be told that the demonic has been
placed within them, and that if they ever try to leave,
or break the programming, the demonic will "kill
them." The terrified child believes this.
"Psychic surgery" may be done, where an
"eye" is placed in the abdomen, and the child
is told that the "eye" can see them wherever
they go, and will tell them if the child tries to escape
or questions the group. Implants may be placed, small
thin metal rods, used to call up demonic forces. If the
person tries to leave, or break programming, the
implants are to cause intense pain or torment.
A child will be forced to participate in rites,
including the mutilation or killing of animals or even
an infant (although some of these are set ups, using a
corpse, as mentioned in a previous article). Visits to
sacred groves or holy areas may occur, where statues to
the deities are garlanded with flowers and robed
followers chant before a rite.
In some groups, the child will be turned against
Christianity with purposeful programming. Since
Christianity is the antithesis of the dark occult
practices of the Illuminati, they often will want their
members to be unable to reach out for the hope that it
offers. Special sessions may include torturing a child.
Often, the child will cry out for help, or to God. At
that point, the programmer will tell the child,
"God has abandoned you, He could never love you,
that is why you are being hurt. If He was so powerful,
He could stop this." They will even ask the child
to ask God to stop it. The child will, and then the
trainer will hurt the child more. This will create a
deep sense of hopelessness and despair in the child. He
or she will truly believe they have been abandoned by
God, that He has a deaf ears to their call for help.
The child may be tortured or shocked when the name
"Jesus" is said, to create a barrier to
hearing His name. Hymns may be used in sessions, to
create aversion.
Spiritual programming will cover a variety of areas.
I have only briefly covered some here.
This has been an overview of some of the areas that
the cult, specifically the Illuminati, program people
in. It is by no means all-inclusive, and there will be
many, many variations in specific techniques used. Also,
I am sure that different groups use different methods.
If a survivor has memories that are different from what
I have described here, they should believe their own
memories. I am only sharing what I do remember about the
Illuminati, the specific group that I was associated
with, in the Washington, DC and the San Diego, Ca. areas
from 1957 until 1995. My hope is that this article will
help those who work with survivors, or who wish to know
more about how these groups operate, understand more
about them. That it will increase compassion for the
immense amount of suffering that a member of these
groups undergoes and for the struggle, once they leave,
to overcome years of conditioning from infancy on. It
takes tremendous courage to leave such a group, to say
"no" to the pull of all the person has known,
to decide to question values that lay unquestioned for
years. To look at the pain underlying the programming,
and to grieve over the manipulations and betrayals that
have occurred from infancy on.