The Unique Power of the
Truth: "Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will
Set You Free"
Author Unknown
In any type of bondage, if the full truth could
be understood by the right persons who need it in that
situation, it would make us free.
In Romans 1:16, Paul states, "The Gospel is
the power of God unto salvation to the Jew first and also to the
Greek". "Salvation", and being made
"free", basically have to refer to the same condition
of deliverance from bondage. Jesus Christ is "The Way, the
Truth, and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by
Him." The "Truth" and the "Gospel" that
says "Jesus saves to the uttermost, those that come unto
Him by Faith," are mutually inclusive and if you really
know one, you will also know the other.
Is the truth impossible to find? In Romans Ch. 1
we are told that we are all without excuse because God has given
us in nature enough evidence of His power and Godhead that we
are automatically responsible for the way we seek after more
light or hide in the darkness. The Word of God says that men
hide from the light because their deeds are evil. Living in the
dark makes it easy for the "enemies" of God to capture
the servants of unrighteousness who have yielded their bodies in
one way or another to the desires of the fleshly nature with
which we were all born.
If we didn’t die to our old life when we were
born again, we are like Mary’s brother Lazarus who was raised
from the dead, but had to be loosed from the grave clothes in
order to walk and carry on life. Some people are still bound in
grave clothes and need to be set free. It takes obedience to the
Gospel to be set free, and it takes some people months or years
to understand and accept all the terms of their pardon as
purchased by the precious blood of Jesus, and they live in
bondage to the extent that they fail to claim all of their
spiritual inheritance, and the gifts that come with them. When
they learn the whole truth, they find they are set free.
This article has just touched briefly on two of
the spiritual armors that the Word of God says will protect us,
the Belt of Truth and the Sword of the Spirit. The Shield of
Faith will protect the victim of mind-control from the worship
of idols, from worshipping the wrong things in our life like our
handler, and will protect our true love for Almighty God, our
real creator.
The Helmet of Salvation will protect the victim,
when the accuser of the brethren tries to heap guilt and
insecurity upon us. It will also help the victim to protect
their birthright given to them as a child of God. Each victim as
a child of God has a wonderful birthright to some great things,
but the enemy will steal it if they don’t protect their godly
Some victims ignorantly given their birthrights
away like Esau. As a born-again believer the victim has a legal
position IN CHRIST that makes the person a joint-heir to the
resurrection (ROM 6:3-11, EPH 2:1-5) and a joint-heir to reign
with him (2 TIM 2:12, COL. 3:4).
The Breastplate of Righteousness will protect
the victim’s relationships with their support team, and the
world in general. It will mean that they will treat their fellow
man correctly in financial dealings, legal dealings, and any
other dealing where fairness is involved. The Breastplate of
Righteousness will defend justice and equity. Equity, which is
fairness, means treating people equally. This will encourage the
programmed multiple to treat people in the same fair way that
they want others to treat their system.
We have just briefly touched on these spiritual
protections. We hope that this will stimulate the reader to
search and learn more about these spiritual weapons and how they
can protect the victim from the attacks of the enemy. Now for
instance, if the reader listens to a sermon where he is told
that spiritual warfare calls for him to reject false values,
repent of sin, and resist deception, he will realize the
minister is managing to hit upon 3 of the substitutes for the 5
elements that make up God’s structure.
As internal work is done, spiritual
protection will be needed to protect the system from the
warfare and counterattacks of the internal forces.
The victim of mind-control will also need
protection from astral projections of their master. This
protection is provided for, by a support person using the
principles of the spiritual world to slam the astral body
back into its physical body.
Spirits of fear, mistrust, contention,
suicide and despondency will try to attack the victim on a
regular basis. The victim and the support persons need to be
aware of these daily attacks and develop a mind-set and a
determination to spiritually refuse these spirits. The
support person should be gentle but firm in assisting the
victim to dislodge and cast out such demonic attacks. All
prayer should be grounded upon the structures of God, which
are life, order, true love, justice, equity and truth.
God is the life-giver, the creator, the healer,
the savior, the father, the peace-maker, the consoler, and the
sustainer. Our prayers to Him should be grounded in the reality
that He is all these LIFE-GIVING ROLES. This may help you
understand what it means to ground our prayers in the structure
of LIFE. We are called to imitate God & also be life-givers
in the fullest sense of the word.
The enemy will send in false teachers (1 TIM
4:1-3), or he’ll try to give a false reputation to the world
by slandering the person before men & before God (JOB 1
& 2 as well as other scriptures), he will attack the person’s
confidence, their beliefs, their relationships, and their walk
with God. In other words, if one looks at a cross, one spoke is
prayer to God, one spoke is our walk (righteousness) before God,
one spoke is our witness to others, and one spoke is our
fellowship with others. Satan will attempt to weaken anyone of
these 4 arms of the cross.
He and his forces (demonic and human) will
generally look for and attack the weakest link in our defense.
If we think things through it makes sense that if Satan were to
attack God’s people the best place to attack them is in their
churches. A fierce war is being waged in the churches today to
destroy all true believers. This war is very well conceived and
well coordinated. It is not happening by accident.
One of the major weapons that the enemy uses is
religious spirits of judgement. Judgement brings death. It is
one thing to expose evil, so that healing can occur, that is
godly. But the religious spirits that judge are out to hurt and
destroy. These judgmental religious spirits are out to divide,
so that Satan can conquer. We feel safe in saying that until our
books came out, including this one, the Christian churches were
totally ignorant about multiplicity and what it entails. We have
watched many multiples suffer from judgmental spirits in the
churches. These religious spirits are not from God, so don’t
let them hurt your relationship to God.
But why can Satan attack? There are a number of
spiritual reasons WHY. First, is that the programmed multiple is
traumatized and programmed during their lifetime to create
footholds (legal loopholes) that give Satan the legal right to
attack. Eph. 4:27 says, "And do not give the devil an
opportunity." The word opportunity in the Greek is Topos,
which literally means "foothold". These footholds are
also referred to as strongholds in the mind (2 COR 10:4) which
are like fortresses that Satan keeps operating in enemy
territory that allow him to attack vulnerable lines. They are
like secret holes that serpents can live in to crawl out of into
your nice garden.
The spirit that crucified Jesus was the
religious spirit of judgement. It will attack you with a
vengeance. The victim and the support team must not allow
themselves to become subject to these religious spirits. The
judging religious spirits are trying to provoke the person who
is the target of their attack. These evil spirits want a
reaction from their target. The godly person can do exactly what
Jesus did, let these judgmental spirits rant and rave and after
all these antics keep one’s peace. The reaction will be, aren’t
you going to do something about this? Just say, its a moot
point, it’s not relevant. I don’t give it credence and move
on. Each victim must seek life-giving answers for their own
situation. Don’t let the religious spirit of judgement steal
you of your chance for life. Just remember Jesus’ words,
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you
shut up the Kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in
yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go
The Pharisees of today will find all the right
answers to justify their position. You as a victim must seek
truth, you must seek life, you must seek love. Forget these
religious men that bind big burdens upon people and strain at
gnats. You as a little child, and what programmed multiple isn’t
mostly a child, are what the kingdom of God is made of. If you
retaliate against the Pharisees then you have lost, because that
is what these religious spirits want, is to get you into a
battle on their territory. Even if you win that battle, you’ve
lost, because you had to leave your territory--the peace of God,
to enter back into Satan’s domain. Don’t fight religious
spirits, they are a sly trick of Satan to get you to step back
out of God’s domain into Satan’s boxing ring. At that point,
you will participate in the lie that the boxing match is the
real contest. Don’t trust in yourself, even if you can win in
that boxing ring. If you know that God is with you, stay with
Him in peace.
you are going to work with ritual abuse survivors, you
must also get educated if you want to be effective. And
you must learn to be humble. Trauma survivors do not need
to be around ignorant, modern-day Pharisees. Survivors in
pain need people who will connect with them on an
emotional level, get right down in there where they are,
and listen. --Kathleen Sullivan |