Letting Go of the Guilt of Perpetrator Alters
The Second Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive
Organizations and Mind Control Conference – ’99
This presentation is written by K. Sullivan.
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Katherine Sullivan is the founder of
PARC-VRAMC, she has a table here with literature if you want to
find out more about her. A grass roots organization dedicated to
helping RA and MC survivors find personal healing, she will
speak about perpetrator alter states, letting go of the guilt.
This is Katherine. I'm not able to be at the
conference with you today because of a family emergency. I also
want to say that if I sound tired, it's because I am. I hope
that you can get a lot out of this next hour anyway. I'm a
survivor of thirty-seven years of severe trauma and abuse. My
background is ritual abuse and governmental mind control
experimentation. So far, I've found over a thousand fragments
and alter states in my fragmented personality. I've been
involved in a lot of integration and therapeutic activities. I
think I'm doing pretty well which is why I want to share with
I am the founder of PARC-VRAMC which is
"Positive Activism, Remembrance, and Commemoration for
Victims of Ritual Abuse and Mind Control." We have two main
activities that we are involved in. One is the Living Memorial
Garden outside of Chattanooga, which honors victims of ritual
abuse and mind control. We also have literature available,
including two books that help people in healing from these
atrocities. I want to add that our literature is not a
substitute for therapy. The materials are mostly contributions
from survivors who want to share their methods and ideas that
have helped them in their own healing processes. I do apologize
again, for not being here. Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga has
been very helpful in helping us get this video to you. I want to
also mention that what has happened in my family is not the
result of any evil activities. It's just something that just
happened to happen when it did and it was going to happen
anyway. So I want you all to be at rest about that.
What I want to share with you today is about
perpetrator alter states and about guilt. I'm not going to be
addressing guilt directly but I hope that as some of you that
have those alter states hear what I'm going to say it will help
alleviate some of the guilt and some of the pain of the guilt
that you all have been feeling inside for probably a long time.
The first thing I want to talk about is a
discovery that I've made in my own life. Because I had so many
fragments and alter states, I found many different kinds that
had many different belief systems, and ways of acting out or not
acting out. What I discovered is, like when you take a white
light … and I do not mean this in a triggering way … when
you take a white light and shine it through a prism you run into
a spectrum of colors and this is the way a human personality can
be broken down. Normally, a person who is a singleton will have
seemingly one personality that they exhibit to people on an
everyday basis. People who have multiple personalities tend to
have their personalities broken down into the spectrum. You
might have one end, as I did, that is very modest or submissive
or very caring about people and animals.
In my case, because I had that end of the
extreme in my personality, broken down and fragmented, I had the
opposite extreme in my personality that was more sociopathic,
aggressive and hurtful. A lot of people from my background, who
were involved in the experimentations, find that unless they are
in therapy, those other parts of their personalities do not even
emerge and, therefore, they do not think they have them. One of
the things that I've learned about the other extreme of my
personalities was that I was amoral. I did not have morals. I
did not go by the law. I was not able to sympathize with people
or with animals. This was very difficult. At times I was
suicidal from it. I know the pain that can result from
discovering that we can have this type of self within; and I
know how important it is to deal with this issue. Like I said,
mine did not emerge at home. Mine were triggered out in
controlled situations for specific purposes. My parts were used
and manipulated to do crimes for my owners and handlers. This is
not happening anymore.
For a long time, I judged people who were not in
my type of situation, who did act out at home, maybe hurt their
husband or their children or their dog, or whatever. I also was
very judgmental towards people who found that their only relief
from stress was to act out sexually, and, unfortunately,
sometimes this included with children. What I've learned since
then is, programmed or not, because of how I was abused as a
child, I still would have developed perpetrator alter states.
For most severely dissociated abuse survivors
the discovery of perpetrator alter states is inevitable. The
reality is that as much as there is one extreme in the spectrum
of a fragmented human personality, there will be as much of the
opposite extreme in morals or lack of morals and in behaviors.
This is very important information for a recovering dissociative
survivor to have, especially when suffering from either MPD or
DID, whichever you want to call it.
I want to add here that I have absolutely no
patience with any therapist or counselor or survivor who dares
to call any part of a human being a demon or evil. These are
parts that were created in human situations. Perpetrator parts
have developed from abusers who were imprinted on the victim's
mind during trauma. The victim will dissociate and focus on the
abuser's voice, face, behaviors, and mannerisms. The victim does
this to avoid pain and fear of death. This works not only for
children, but also for adults who are already dissociated and
tend to do that on a regular basis when there's a trauma
There's other alter states that take it a step
further. These are newly created alter states that are developed
out of torture and near-death traumas. I use the word
"tabula rasa" or blank slate, for these types of alter
states. English philosopher John Locke said,"Children are
not innately bad or good, but instead, are like a blank
tablet"; which is where this theory came from. In this same
way, as when a child is being born and developed, in the same
way, a brand new alter state that first emerges will look
through the eyes and whoever that alter state sees is who the
personality will be modeled after. This is known as imprinting.
Conrad Lorenze was a student of animal behavior.
He was the one, if you will remember, that used to be where a
gosling or baby duck was hatching and that baby duck would first
see him and would follow him and try to be where he was and do
what he did, as much as it could. This is because, as we found
out, baby geese attach to the first moving object that they see.
New alter states take on the beliefs of their tormentors in the
same way. They're very loyal to them, and, in fact, these are
the alter states that will be the most loyal to their abusers.
If tormentors are anti-social in their belief systems, alter
states will also be, because they are trying to be that person.
Now, you will also notice, that if you are recovering and you
look inside, you may find alter states that seem to have the
faces of the people who hurt them. You are looking at alter
states that were newly created in the presence of these
What non-perpetrator parts, including host
personalities need to understand is, at the very beginning of
the creation of perpetrator parts, there is extreme pain, fear
and distress, psychological and/or physical. You need to
understand that perpetrator alter states did not choose to
become the way they are, and you need to know, they may not even
remember how they became the way they are. There may be amnesia
before the remembrance of their beginning.
I'm going to show you a couple of cartoons which
may help. If you all have perpetrator alter states, you in the
audience, that are paying attention to what I'm saying right
now, some of this will be for you. You can have a little joke
about it, if you want. First of all, I want to declare that
having perpetrator alter states is not an ugly, little secret
hidden behind closed doors anymore. This is to let you know that
it is okay to go home, and talk to your therapist about these
situations, because it is a major part of your healing. Here's a
little cartoon [holding it up for audience to see] where a
mother takes her son to the principal's office and she tells the
principal about the boy, "He knows right from wrong and he
prefers wrong." A lot of people who have perpetrator alter
states believe that the perpetrator alter states are wanting to
do what's wrong on purpose. I want to tell you, that's not so.
It's just that they were exposed to people in amnesiac
situations, where that's the only life and only way of living
and behavior that they know. It can change.
Here's another one, a Garfield cartoon. John's
sweeping the pavement and there's a spider between him and
Garfield. Garfield stomps on the spider. John is really upset
and he just holds his head in his hands and says to
Garfield," Oh, where is the compassion?" Garfield
says," You want compassion? Rent Bambi." When you run
into an alter state that has that kind of attitude, you're
looking at an alter state that holds the person's sociopathic
tendencies. A lot of times that alter state may be one or there
may be a group of them inside the person. These perpetrator
parts are especially lonely. They self-hate and they fear being
hated by the other parts and by external individuals. They are
isolating because of this and they are not able to socialize.
They know they will begin to change, though, if they connect
with other parts and, a lot of times, they don't want to change
because this is the only way of living and being that they have
ever known. So breaking through the barriers of isolation with
external people and with other alter states can be very painful
at first. But the pain does ebb away, I want you to know that.
It takes them much bravery to attempt to change and become
co-conscious with non-perpetrator parts.
Upon the discovery of perpetrator alter states,
it's very important for them to have someone to talk to who will
not judge them. I was very fortunate, this last week, to talk to
Dr. Peter Barrach, who is the president of ISSD, which is,"
International Society for the Study of Dissociation." I had
been notified about a president's message that he had included
in the ISSD's publication for July. You've got this in your
papers that you were handed for this presentation and I'd like
you to turn to the second page and look at the second to last
paragraph; and I'll read it as you read it.
"If therapists are open to hear whatever
patients want to say, some DID patients, who have perpetrator
impulses, will begin to talk about them. But patients who
sense that their therapist will become judgmental or horrified
by hearing about these feelings and activities, will avoid
discussing them. If patients expect that they have to deal
with their therapist's judgment, in addition to the judgment
they may be leveling against themselves, it is only too easy
for them to avoid these issues."
There is a danger in this, because, if you avoid
your perpetrator alter states and if your therapist avoids
dealing with them, and getting to know them, and helping them to
blend with other parts that are not harmful; there is a chance
that those parts will act out again and can hurt somebody. It
needs to be dealt with. One of the things I talked to Dr.
Barrach about was the fact that when people have perpetrator
alter states that already hold the self-hatred, and sometimes
compartmentalize it, what can happen is that if they are
considered in a judging fashion by the therapist, this can cause
them to suicide. This is very dangerous. My suggestion to
therapists is this; when you're dealing with perpetrator alter
states, consider this, "There, but for the grace of God, go
I." Until you have been in the shoes of the survivor who
has gone through such hell as to create these perpetrator alter
states, you have no business judging them.
After working with about ten different
therapists in the last ten years, I've been very fortunate to
find one who has worked with not only people who are
full-fledged sociopaths, but also with people who are severely
dissociated and have the wide spectrum of personalities or alter
states, as I would call them. She will up front tell each new
patient who has dissociation that she will keep confidential
anything that is said in therapy as long as no crime is being
committed now or is planned to be committed in the future. Her
patients can take from there how much they wish to share with
her. This is important because perpetrator parts will not risk
sharing unless they know they have confidentiality. Only then
can they begin to open up enough to begin to bond with their
therapist, which is the first step towards healing.
I'd like to share a couple more cartoons with
you that may help explain what the perpetrator parts deal with
and go through. If you've ever seen the Parade magazine in every
Sunday's edition of most papers, there's this article by Marilyn
Von-Savant. This one is taken from the June 27th issue. A writer
wrote to her, "Why do you have to teach children to be
good? Why does being bad seem to come to them almost
instinctively?" Mrs. Savant said,"When you are
teaching a child to be good you are actually teaching them how
to be civilized, that is, to live in an increasingly complex
community with others. Being ‘bad’, which generally means
being selfish, including everything from inconsiderate behavior
to stealing, probably is instinctive. That is, it has survival
value for the individual, but at the expense of others. So
teaching a child to be ‘good’ is more than a nicety, it is a
necessity." One of the things she was trying to explain and
one of the things that perpetrator alter states need to
understand, is that rules are meant to help people live together
in a community or a society and fairly well get along with each
other. Rules are not meant to judge. David Grossman … if you
will pull out this article from your packet, "David
Grossman On Killing", this was in the Post Traumatic
Gazette by Patience Mason, Volume 4, Number 4. She went to the
national conference of Vietnam Ministers and heard him speak
about this particular subject and a lot of you can relate.
Because, if you were used to kill in rituals or if you were used
by our government as Deltas, you will understand especially. He
said," Above 175 heartbeats per minute, your frontal lobes,
or the thinking part of your brains, are not working. Your
forebrain has been hijacked by your mid-brain, the mammalian
brain, which has four functions: fight, flight, feeding, and
mating or having sex. And they can only do this one at a
This is why I also have this particular cartoon
about apes running with a little baby in diapers. Besides the
fact that this may be triggering for some of you who were
exposed to primates in certain conditions, this also is a
picture of the primal part of our brain that kicks in or what he
would call the mammalian part, where we function to survive. We
do not think,"Oh, this is wrong or I shouldn't do this; or,
this is hurting somebody." We do what we have to do to
survive and it all goes back to instinct. A lot of times, the
perpetrator parts of us that are sociopaths act on pure instinct
and the survival, the need for survival. Another thing you will
see is a Beetle Bailey cartoon here, and this is the thing that
David Grossman had talked about that's a conflict within the
person's mind. In this case, Beetle Bailey is supposed to be
shooting his target and each time he's saying, "I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He's having a difficult time. He's
having a conflict because there is a part of him that is
automatically doing what he is trained to do to survive and then
there's another part of him, the forebrain, that is
thinking,"I don't want to hurt that person." This is a
conflict that a person who's not multiple goes through. Well,
you can imagine that a person who is a multiple has one part
feeling a certain way and another part that eventually gets to
say," I'm sorry," or feels sorry about the situation.
I'm going to show you a couple more cartoons
that I think will help make things even clearer about
difference, the dichotomy in a person who has non-harmful parts
and then has perpetrator alter states. This one, I thought, was
pretty good. It's a "Dennis the Menace" cartoon.
Dennis says to Joey," It's easy to know right from wrong,
Joey. Wrong is when everybody yells." A lot of people who
have alter states that are perpetrator alter states, have parts
that literally cannot tell, because they have not been exposed
to regular society, whether they are doing something wrong or
not. It is very important for a therapist to be able to help
that part learn what is appropriate and what is not.
Another problem that perpetrator alter states
have a problem with is that they are so conditioned to have one
way of meeting their needs for survival. If it's, like I said
before, a person who has alter states that abused children
sexually, it may be that they were raised in a situation that
the only thing they knew was having sex with children in rituals
or in pornography. They need to learn new ways to get rid of
their stress or to exert their stress, like exercise or other
form of activities is that they don't have to think along those
lines anymore. It's very difficult work. But if the therapist
can put judgment to the side and see the needs of these alter
states, then a lot can be accomplished.
This is an interesting little blurb that I found
in the paper not too long ago. It says," Fear of self. Is
it possible that some people are afraid of themselves? The
answer is, there must be because there is a scientific name for
it. It's called Autophobia." Remember that one. You have it
if you have alter states that are perpetrator alter states and
alter states that are not.
Here's some more that actually show a sequence
of events that can happen when regular, home alter states go
inside and find these other alter states and go through the
struggle of how to deal with them, and connect with them. Here's
one cartoon, "Grin and Bear It", where a man's lying
in his psychiatrist's office and he's telling the
psychiatrist," I got to be me but I don't want to be
me." Here's another one:" I've hit rock bottom in the
deep, murky ocean of my soul. Alone in my emptiness to ask the
eternal question,'Who am I?'" A lot of times, when people
have regular, non-harmful alter states and they begin to find
that they have perpetrator alter states, it really throws things
off. They find out that they are just one end of that extreme of
the spectrum of the whole personality, the fragmented
personality. They begin to realize that there's another extreme,
on the other end that is totally different from them, and they
can either keep that part shut off and pushed away, or they can
begin to get to know and greet and get to actually love the
other part of themselves.
Eventually, I want to say, there will be a
middle ground that you will find, that you are not overly
religious or overly moral or overly sensitive to other people
and animals; and, at the same time, you are not overly hurtful
or amoral. I like this. This is another "Grin and Bear
it"; I like it because it has a rather happy ending.
There's another man laying on his psychiatrist's couch again and
he says," I think I've discovered one of the real
me's" and he's smiling. It's amazing how people who have
perpetrator alter states can eventually get to love them. I
think it's just a natural thing that happens because we have
self love somewhere buried inside us and eventually, we do get
to love the other parts of ourselves if we just learn to
withhold judgment and get to know what they're about and the
trauma that caused them in the first place. Like I said, a lot
of times the perpetrator alter states will not even remember why
they were developed because of trauma. But, if you can find the
trauma, then it will help you to have more compassion for them.
Here's another one. I can't remember the name of
this comic strip but I do love it. A boy is behind a reception
desk and says," Welcome to Duncan Dental, may I help
you?" A man says, "Can you validate me?" The boy
reaches over the counter and hugs him and says," You're a
good person." A lot of times, when perpetrator alter states
come out, they don't need to be judged, they don't need to be
told they're evil, they don't need to be kicked around and
mistreated and talked down about. They need to hear that they're
good, just as good as any other part, because they served an
important function. They kept all the sociopathy
compartmentalized in one or a number of different parts, so that
the other parts could function and could go ahead and care.
One other thing that I found, that I thought was
really neat, was in Modern Maturity, January-February, 1999, is
an interview with George Foreman, who used to be a famous boxer.
He was asked about different issues in his life and one of the
things he says is on forgiveness. He said," If you want to
love people, you've got to understand them. Sometimes a lion
will bite its trainer and people will ask,'Why don't you kill
it?' The trainer will say,'Because I made the mistake. The
animal was just doing what came natural.' It's strange that
people understand that about animals but not about human beings.
You've just got to forgive them." I know that is easier
said than done if you find that you have parts that were used in
activities that were criminal or very hurtful to people, even
rituals where you were used to murder, against your conscious
What I want to say to you also is that it's a
good time to sit down and go back in memory, if you can, and
find out what happened before the event and what happened after.
Sometimes, you just have to sit and relax and let the memory
come. It's easier sometimes to remember what happened after than
before. But you'll be surprised, if you can get past the
compartmentalization, where you have amnesia on one side and
amnesia on the other, you might have to go through several parts
to find the after, to find what events took place afterwards.
You may be surprised to find out that you were handled and this
stuff was not of your own volition. But, then again, if it was,
please, please, please do not judge yourself. There are things
that happened in your childhood that led up to this.
What is your responsibility now, and what I say
there should be guilt for is, if that knowing you have, that you
have these tendencies, whether it is to hurt children or go out,
like some people have done, and take a gun and shoot up a crowd,
whatever it is … that you know you have these tendencies and
don't get your butt to a therapist to deal with it. And again,
if you have to go from therapist to therapist to therapist,
until you find one that's willing to help you work through your
rage, your pain, or whatever else is underneath this, just keep
trying. Just keep working at it.
It's very important to make sure that you have a
clear understanding with your therapist up front; that if you
have more recently done something, or if there is murder
involved, which in some cases, in rituals especially, there will
be that … in that case, chances are it was against your will,
if you would not normally go out to a ritual and do something
like this. You need to make sure, up front with you therapist,
that if you need to talk about the pain of what you went through
and what the other person went through, that the therapist will
not report you because, by law in most states, the therapist is
not required to do this. Again, unless you are actively doing
something now, or actively planning to do something, and you
tell your therapist, only then is the therapist required by law
to report it, which I think is appropriate.
I want to thank you for spending the time to
listen to what I have to share from my own experiences today.
Again, I am sorry that I cannot be there with you in person. The
family circumstance is big for me and there is absolutely no way
I could have been there. I'd like to give you all a hug, if I
could. I do ask that if you have perpetrator alter states that
have been coming up to hear this, or parts that have, I ask that
you take the handouts that have been given to you home to your
therapist or home to your strongest support person, and you go
over these handouts with them.
The one that's from ISSD needs to be gone over
carefully without judgment, because Dr. Barrach was not
specifically talking about the programming when he was dealing
with the issue of perpetrator alter states. He is working with
clients who have these issues. His concern is more that
therapists who work with dissociative clients be safe in working
with them and that they don't end up getting hurt when these
parts come out sometimes. He's also concerned because he doesn't
want clients going around and avoiding this issue and then
hurting somebody because they didn't get help with it. I
appreciate your time and I hope you have a good time at the
conference. Thank you.
you are going to work with ritual abuse survivors, you
must also get educated if you want to be effective. And
you must learn to be humble. Trauma survivors do not need
to be around ignorant, modern-day Pharisees. Survivors in
pain need people who will connect with them on an
emotional level, get right down in there where they are,
and listen. --Kathleen Sullivan |