What you're after is truth from
the inside out.
Enter me, then; conceive a new, true life.
(Psalm 51:6 The Message)
safe place for sharing information for healing Ritual
Abuse, Mind Control, Sexual Abuse, living with
Dissociative Conditions, and finding Biblical Truth |
who have run for our very lives to God have every reason |
grab on to the promised hope and not let go.
Hebrews 6 / The Message |
Ritual Abuse, MPD and the Church
By Gregory Reid
It may seem to some as if I "have it in" for certain
people, as I keep
referring negatively to the same people and groups: Bob and
Passantino, Cornerstone, CRI, Ralph Underwager, and Gordon
If I do, it is for three reasons: 1) They all claim to be
Christian. 2) As
Christians, they should be accountable for what they do and say,
they haven't been. 3) The damage they have inflicted on
victims of ritual abuse and MPD has been incalculable. Instead
prayer, support and healing, these victims have been ridiculed
humiliated with a degree of arrogance, unconcern and flippancy I
never encountered in the secular world. If Christian survivors
turning to the secular world for counseling, it is largely
because we
have rejected them, and the above-mentioned people and groups
guilty before God for treating as unimportant this command:
"Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the
knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so the lame may
not be
disabled, but rather healed."(Heb. 12:12-13) And,
"accept him whose
faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable
(Romans 14:1) Ritual abuse and MPD may be a disputable matter;
command to accept hurting people is not.
How deep is the damage? As the Christian hymn says, "deep
wide." One example: a family, whose small boy had been
abused. He was so young, and it was so bad, that details only
came out
in violent outpourings, or in fragments. He's now 13 and has
years in a treatment center. The parents counted on, and were
grateful for, the prayers and loving support of their church.
Then, one
day, the pastor called to inquire about the boy. "Have the
changed his diagnosis?", he asked. "No, why should
they?", the mother
asked back. "Haven't you read Christianity Today's article
on ritual
abuse? It's all false memories." Suddenly the parents'
world of support
and prayers collapsed. They counted on them. They needed them! I
don't fault the pastor as much as Christianity Today, who
succeeded in
painting a broad brush stroke of "false memories" on
ritual abuse
without the slightest regard to who it would hurt, or the facts.
damage doesn't appear on the editorial page of slick corporate
magazines. It appears through the tears on Bible pages of those
are afraid God has abandoned them, because we did.
That ritual abuse is real, and that MPD is real, is not an issue
for me.
I don't have the luxury of high-minded "investigative
journalists" who
can treat survivors with ridicule and contempt without ever
their hands dirty, or looking at the facts. I survived brutal
ritual abuse.
I viewed the indescribably horrible murder slides of young 18
year old
Carmen Krohn, butchered by a Satanist. I went to the funeral of
Shane, 16, and Sally, 15, murdered by a satanic coven. I sat at
the trial
of the El Paso daycare case and watched as a precious,
young boy told graphic details of his abuse. More, I have helped
nurture MPD victims and other survivors into God's healing love.
I find
it ironic, almost criminal that there is no interest on the part
of others
journalists in the knowable facts. It's almost as if they're
saying, "It's
made up. Now go away. Don't confuse us with the facts."
In Acts, the Bereans didn't just accept Paul's words. They were
"fair-minded", and they "searched the scriptures
daily to see if it was
true." (Acts 17:11) They loved truth. And finding truth
means testing
all known facts. Issues such as MPD and ritual abuse are so
that they demand a complete hearing in the name of truth and
compassion. We have failed to do so.
The issue to these folks is whether ritual abuse is provable, or
real. Well, that's missing the point for Christians. Most ritual
victims won't be able to prove what happened. And there will
be people who claim MPD victims are making it up to get
The point is: What does God demand we do? On this, the
couldn't be plainer: "We who are strong ought to bear the
infirmities of
the weak and not please ourselves."(Romans 15:1) Of all the
people I've
ever known, ritual abuse victims and MPD strugglers are in more
of healing and hope than almost anyone. Their- our- nightmare is
beyond comprehension. Imagine a heart so wounded, a life so
tormented, that every relationship is unsafe, every sight, smell
sound can trigger terror and panic, and every moment seems like
death. Maybe we won't be able to accept everything victims
as true, but you know what? We're not required to. We're
required to
pray for them, love them, accept them and believe God for their
You may not be able to believe it all. But you can, at the
least, suspend
judgment on the awful memories that this child of God is
Can't you? But, you say, what if they're deceived? Where is your
faith? Can't you stand by them and help them know the truth of
word, which is able, in time, to break any possible error? Your
place is
not to sort out what happened; that is God's, and the person's
Yours is to pour on the oil and wine of God's unconditional
love. You
can do that, can't you?
We can never forget that besides telling the good news of Jesus,
one of
our most important responsibilities is to "bind the broken
61:1-4) If the man who was robbed, beaten and left for dead in
Jericho road were MPD and ritually abused, and it was today, we
would more often than not be either the priest that "passed
on by to the
other side" ("I don't want to get involved...")
or a new Levite who didn't
only pass by, but before he did, bent down and said, "How
can you
prove you were robbed. There's no robbers in Jericho! Why don't
just trust God and forget about what you say happened?" And
having done our duty to "truth", trot off, leaving the
victim bleeding
Before we criticize those who pursue secular therapy, you better
the point of this story, sir. The priest and the Levite were
God's chosen
people. They had the ability to do something. They did nothing!
Samaritan, on the other hand, was a "secular" guy,
despised by the
"righteous." Yet he did what they should have - he
took care of the
wounded, helpless man! "Which of these men was the real
neighbor to
the robbed man?", Jesus asked. Their reply: "The one
who had mercy
on him." "Then do the same", Jesus said.
Anyone can debate ritual abuse. Show me someone who cares and
prays and goes the distance with the victims, and I'll show you
who is doing the will of God and not just making a name off
grief in the guise of "investigative Christian
journalism" or "defending
It is costly, heartbreaking and difficult to care for those
from MPD and ritual abuse. Maybe that's why it's easier to deny
Out of sight, out of mind. We'd rather not get coffee spilled on
our rug.
In so doing, we deny the hurting their place of dignity and
healing in
God's Home and we deny his Kingdom the miracle of watching a
crushed flower bloom into a glory of radiant and multifaceted
and purpose beyond description. Folks, if the good news of Jesus
bypasses them, because we'd rather debate than do, be a critic
than a caring Christian, our faith, as James said, is dead.
Obviously not everyone will meet someone from this displaced
community of spiritual orphans, and I believe many would care,
if they
did, or if they knew how. But until some Christian publication,
ministry or bookseller has the guts to take a stand and say,
"let's find
out about this. Let's find a way to extend our care to the
victims", then
the majority of Christians will continue to think there is no
there are no ritual abuse or MPD victims, because unchallenged
have buried the voices that cry out for healing under
blanket statements, and misplaced priorities.
If my experience with victims is indicative of the big picture,
victims of ritual abuse and MPD are in the multi-thousands, and
have been in our midst. Many have left, knowing they would not
accepted, much less believed. Many stay, in silence- terrified
of being
rejected. They ask for little. Time. Love. Listening. Belonging.
Acceptance. That we must bring Jesus' healing to them is
unquestionable. The question is, will we? "Inasmuch as you
have done it
unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto
(Matthew 25:40)Ritual Abuse, MPD and the Church
It may seem to some as if I "have it in" for certain
people, as I keep
referring negatively to the same people and groups: Bob and
Passantino, Cornerstone, CRI, Ralph Underwager, and Gordon
If I do, it is for three reasons: 1) They all claim to be
Christian. 2) As
Christians, they should be accountable for what they do and say,
they haven't been. 3) The damage they have inflicted on
victims of ritual abuse and MPD has been incalculable. Instead
prayer, support and healing, these victims have been ridiculed
humiliated with a degree of arrogance, unconcern and flippancy I
never encountered in the secular world. If Christian survivors
turning to the secular world for counseling, it is largely
because we
have rejected them, and the above-mentioned people and groups
guilty before God for treating as unimportant this command:
"Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the
knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so the lame may
not be
disabled, but rather healed."(Heb. 12:12-13) And,
"accept him whose
faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable
(Romans 14:1) Ritual abuse and MPD may be a disputable matter;
command to accept hurting people is not.
How deep is the damage? As the Christian hymn says, "deep
wide." One example: a family, whose small boy had been
abused. He was so young, and it was so bad, that details only
came out
in violent outpourings, or in fragments. He's now 13 and has
years in a treatment center. The parents counted on, and were
grateful for, the prayers and loving support of their church.
Then, one
day, the pastor called to inquire about the boy. "Have the
changed his diagnosis?", he asked. "No, why should
they?", the mother
asked back. "Haven't you read Christianity Today's article
on ritual
abuse? It's all false memories." Suddenly the parents'
world of support
and prayers collapsed. They counted on them. They needed them! I
don't fault the pastor as much as Christianity Today, who
succeeded in
painting a broad brush stroke of "false memories" on
ritual abuse
without the slightest regard to who it would hurt, or the facts.
damage doesn't appear on the editorial page of slick corporate
magazines. It appears through the tears on Bible pages of those
are afraid God has abandoned them, because we did.
That ritual abuse is real, and that MPD is real, is not an issue
for me.
I don't have the luxury of high-minded "investigative
journalists" who
can treat survivors with ridicule and contempt without ever
their hands dirty, or looking at the facts. I survived brutal
ritual abuse.
I viewed the indescribably horrible murder slides of young 18
year old
Carmen Krohn, butchered by a Satanist. I went to the funeral of
Shane, 16, and Sally, 15, murdered by a satanic coven. I sat at
the trial
of the El Paso daycare case and watched as a precious,
young boy told graphic details of his abuse. More, I have helped
nurture MPD victims and other survivors into God's healing love.
I find
it ironic, almost criminal that there is no interest on the part
of others
journalists in the knowable facts. It's almost as if they're
saying, "It's
made up. Now go away. Don't confuse us with the facts."
In Acts, the Bereans didn't just accept Paul's words. They were
"fair-minded", and they "searched the scriptures
daily to see if it was
true." (Acts 17:11) They loved truth. And finding truth
means testing
all known facts. Issues such as MPD and ritual abuse are so
that they demand a complete hearing in the name of truth and
compassion. We have failed to do so.
The issue to these folks is whether ritual abuse is provable, or
real. Well, that's missing the point for Christians. Most ritual
victims won't be able to prove what happened. And there will
be people who claim MPD victims are making it up to get
The point is: What does God demand we do? On this, the
couldn't be plainer: "We who are strong ought to bear the
infirmities of
the weak and not please ourselves."(Romans 15:1) Of all the
people I've
ever known, ritual abuse victims and MPD strugglers are in more
of healing and hope than almost anyone. Their- our- nightmare is
beyond comprehension. Imagine a heart so wounded, a life so
tormented, that every relationship is unsafe, every sight, smell
sound can trigger terror and panic, and every moment seems like
death. Maybe we won't be able to accept everything victims
as true, but you know what? We're not required to. We're
required to
pray for them, love them, accept them and believe God for their
You may not be able to believe it all. But you can, at the
least, suspend
judgment on the awful memories that this child of God is
Can't you? But, you say, what if they're deceived? Where is your
faith? Can't you stand by them and help them know the truth of
word, which is able, in time, to break any possible error? Your
place is
not to sort out what happened; that is God's, and the person's
Yours is to pour on the oil and wine of God's unconditional
love. You
can do that, can't you?
We can never forget that besides telling the good news of Jesus,
one of
our most important responsibilities is to "bind the broken
61:1-4) If the man who was robbed, beaten and left for dead in
Jericho road were MPD and ritually abused, and it was today, we
would more often than not be either the priest that "passed
on by to the
other side" ("I don't want to get involved...")
or a new Levite who didn't
only pass by, but before he did, bent down and said, "How
can you
prove you were robbed. There's no robbers in Jericho! Why don't
just trust God and forget about what you say happened?" And
having done our duty to "truth", trot off, leaving the
victim bleeding
Before we criticize those who pursue secular therapy, you better
the point of this story, sir. The priest and the Levite were
God's chosen
people. They had the ability to do something. They did nothing!
Samaritan, on the other hand, was a "secular" guy,
despised by the
"righteous." Yet he did what they should have - he
took care of the
wounded, helpless man! "Which of these men was the real
neighbor to
the robbed man?", Jesus asked. Their reply: "The one
who had mercy
on him." "Then do the same", Jesus said.
Anyone can debate ritual abuse. Show me someone who cares and
prays and goes the distance with the victims, and I'll show you
who is doing the will of God and not just making a name off
grief in the guise of "investigative Christian
journalism" or "defending
It is costly, heartbreaking and difficult to care for those
from MPD and ritual abuse. Maybe that's why it's easier to deny
Out of sight, out of mind. We'd rather not get coffee spilled on
our rug.
In so doing, we deny the hurting their place of dignity and
healing in
God's Home and we deny his Kingdom the miracle of watching a
crushed flower bloom into a glory of radiant and multifaceted
and purpose beyond description. Folks, if the good news of Jesus
bypasses them, because we'd rather debate than do, be a critic
than a caring Christian, our faith, as James said, is dead.
Obviously not everyone will meet someone from this displaced
community of spiritual orphans, and I believe many would care,
if they
did, or if they knew how. But until some Christian publication,
ministry or bookseller has the guts to take a stand and say,
"let's find
out about this. Let's find a way to extend our care to the
victims", then
the majority of Christians will continue to think there is no
there are no ritual abuse or MPD victims, because unchallenged
have buried the voices that cry out for healing under
blanket statements, and misplaced priorities.
If my experience with victims is indicative of the big picture,
victims of ritual abuse and MPD are in the multi-thousands, and
have been in our midst. Many have left, knowing they would not
accepted, much less believed. Many stay, in silence- terrified
of being
rejected. They ask for little. Time. Love. Listening. Belonging.
Acceptance. That we must bring Jesus' healing to them is
unquestionable. The question is, will we? "Inasmuch as you
have done it
unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto
(Matthew 25:40)
Used by permission Copyright
Gregory Reid http://gregoryreid.com
you are going to work with ritual abuse survivors, you
must also get educated if you want to be effective. And
you must learn to be humble. Trauma survivors do not need
to be around ignorant, modern-day Pharisees. Survivors in
pain need people who will connect with them on an
emotional level, get right down in there where they are,
and listen. --Kathleen Sullivan |